> TellMyRoute, your personal Journey Planner

TellMyRoute is your journey planner to plan, explore and share your transit details.

A Personalized journey planner for any type of transit like Bus, Metro or local trains, traveling local is so easy now. TellMyRoute is now available in the following cities.

Cities Available


Route Information

Get detailed information of any route like the stops, type of the vehicle, alternatives, timings and fare details (where available).

Stop Details

Get detailed information of any stop like location or the detailed route information at the stop. Find out the near by stops for alternatives.

Directions & options

Find the directions for destination, analyze the alternatives, compare and contrast the routes. Figure out the best connecting route.

Access Anywhere

Access tellmyroute on your PC or any mobile device, currently the app is available only for Android and soon will be on IPhone and windows devices.

Save, Download & Share

Save your favorite route, Email or share it to your dear ones (upcoming) or download (upcoming) for later and offline use.

Route Maps

View the route map or the stop location or different directions on the map. Get detailed maps and near by stops on Maps.

Get Tellmyroute

Download TellMyRoute App from Apple App Store and Google Play Store

Download tellmyroute or browse tellmyroute and share with your friends.

* TellMyRoute App is 100% private and secure.
  • "By bringing local transport to the fingertips of the users, this website provides them with the ability to choose the bus, metro.

    Viran Jha, blogger and tech expert / Hindustan Times

  • "very usefull and easy to use tellmyroute App. can find out any nearest bus route or bus stop with directions...

    Google Play /tellmyroute User

  • "Rating 4.5/5 tellmyroute service has many great features. Site acts as a one stop solution for all the local travel needs

    Gagan, tech expert, www.sitestouse.com /tellmyroute User


How tellmyroute helps??

Search best driving directions, Local Train/Bus/Metro, Stops and station details in fourteen cities of India. Get route map, transit details along with timings, fares for local city travel. The beauty is you can combine bus travel with metro travel or local train travel and vice versa and view its combination for your direction! The only website to give you all these type of features in India, now just jump in and find your favorite routes and expect more and more features.

How to Search?

Choose the Search Category like Bus No, Train No, Stop/Station, Route and also choose the City. Enter and select your Query from the auto completion list. Make sure you choose one from the available list. Your journey plan will be infront of you with map and all info you need for your travel. Route search will be soon available for All major cities in India.

Why are we doing tellmyroute?

The idea is to promote and popularize public transport. Fulfill the requirements of the people when the look to use public transport. This helps reducing pollution and also reduce usage of petrol/diesel products (improve economy). Improve people’s productivity and make them spend their quality time in what they are supposed to do or with their family and not definitely spending time on roads.

Challenges and Limitations

 Showing accurate time won’t be possible as of now as the timings of public transport in India is quite not reliable and readily available at all stops. Only the Start time at the Origin can be trusted.  The Application needs a good data connection and especially direction search screen might need good data connection as it needs to receive large information about connecting routes and its details. Also once a search is initiated, please wait for a sec or so before you can see the result. This depends on how good the network is.  Always the stops and route no suggested by auto completion list should be used, the application can show only the stops which it supports. We should use AutoCompletion List to try and narrow down the search .