Chandigarh Transport Undertaking came into existence on Ist November 1966 with the creation of Union Territory of Chandigarh and 30 buses were transferred from Punjab State to Chandigarh Administration. With the growth of city and to cope up with the public demand, the CTU fleet increased to 417 buses and CTU is now having three depots and 2286 employees. CTU buses run throughout the city. There are two major bus terminals: ISBT Sector 17 and ISBT Sector 43. CTU buses run to a few cities that are close to Chandigarh.
(i) ISBT, Sector-17
The buses going to Ambala and Delhi side are operating from ISBT-17,
Chandigarh. The Station Supervisor CTU is the Incharge of ISBT, Sec-17
and ISBT-43. They are Available from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
(ii) ISBT, Sector-43
In order to de-congest traffic at ISBT, Sector-17 a new ISBT has been
constructed in Sector-43. All public amenities have been provided at ISBT-
43. The buses for Punjab ,Himachal and J&K side are plying from ISBT-43.
The fare Structure for Local buses (within UT) is as Under:-
1. Ordinary Buses fare Rs.5.00 below 5kms.
Rs.10.00 above 5Kms.
2.Air Conditioned Buses fare Rs.10.00 below 5kms.
Rs.15.00 above 5Kms