Ahmedabad Municipal Transport Service or AMTS runs the public bus service in the city of Ahmedabad in India. At present, AMTS has 750 buses servicing the city. In addition AMTS is also responsible for 50 BRTS buses, and 100 feeder buses
There existed three transport services viz. ABC Co. (Amdavad Bus Corporation), Morris Transport and Munshi Bus service, before the municipal bus service. There was shortage of petrol till 1946 due to Second World War and the petrol supply was in limited quantity even in 1947 when the municipal bus service started. Coal-gas was used as fuel earlier in the buses, many buses were plying on gas. There were approximately 50,000 commuters who travelled in such buses, Morris company operated some 32 bus routes in the city. The buses ran on Gandhi Road, and Relief Road from Bhadra in city area. There were clock-wise and anticlock-wise routes running from shahpur to shahpur. More over there were other routes for Shahibaug, Dudheshwar, Vadaj, Sabarmati and Calico Mills outside city area. There were buses for Asarva, Khokhara- Mehmdabad, Gomtipur, Amraiwadi and Maninagar in the eastern area, while Paldi, Vasna, Ambawadi and Commerce College routes were covered on the western bank of Sabarmati river. Buses for Sabarmati area ran from Vadaj.
Transport department was considered as a section of Municipality before the separation of transport fund on 1-8-1950. Demand for transportation services grew with the development of Amdavad city. Bus routes upto Kathwada, Lambha, Ranip, Hathijan, Vanch, Ramol, Nikol and Amli Road were started during 1960, This facility helped to the villagers and to the students to visit Amdavad city. Thus Municipal Transport service has played an important role in the development of suburbs and nearby villages. All those remote areas, where AMTS buses went first, their development has become faster. The organization had to bear losses in earlier years in following the service oriented attitude but it has resulted in speedy development of the city.
AMTS is managed by Transport Manager under transport committee and Municipal Corporation from the very inception, the organization has adopted service oriented attitude, so one should not consider it as a firm or a company, but as a service organization. AMTS is a voluntary service managed by Municipal Corporation under B.P.M.C. Act.
Operational Routes
R.T.O - Kankaria Lake(18 kilometres)
Kankaria Lake - Maninagar Railway Station - Kankaria Telephone Exchange (4.65 kilometres)
Dani Limbda to Narol (3 kilometres)
Narol - Naroda Patiya (21.59 kilometres)
RTO to Dilli Darwaja (6 kilometres)